Internal portal example

Below is a screenshot of our Intranet application. It is in Slovenian language, but don't be distracted by that.


Intranet site design doesn't differ a lot from common web site design.

At the top there is company logo, site title and currently logged in user on the right site. 

Below is main portal menu which is designed as folder tabs. It is made of DcSimpleMenuItems. Every tab (menu item) can have its own access policy defined. Users belonging to different departments (assigned user groups) may see only tabs for applications they use. 


Every tab contains link which points to its page. There are many reasons for that:

  • Access policies can (must) be applied to pages. User who doesn't have access to application can not access it even if he (she) knows application url.
  • Different applications may have different designs.
  • Every page has its own settings which can be used for various purposes
  • DcParts documents saved in page can be used for saving all kind of data

Every application has usually its own application menu and main data entry area bellow it. Smaller applications can reside in main application source files folders. Larger applications can be made as gems and included into main application. Since number of applications can grow a lot putting files into gems is preferred way to avoid source files clutter. 


In following articles i will try to explain main building blocks of Intranet application.


Last update: 08.05.2018