Notes report

Data entry for our notes application is done. We have filter which ensures that only documents belonging to user are shown to user. Documents can be filtered with full text search. We have option to create new documents and edit already saved documents. All we need now is to create report.


It was decided to create report as Excel spreadsheet file. This way result data can further be processed by spreadsheet editor. It is also easier to create report with help of spreadsheet gem as to create pdf report.


Lets first introduce report date entry form.


table: dc_memory
title: Enter start and end date for report

  height: 120px;
      type: ajax
      method: post
      controller: reports
      action: notes_report
      caption: Run report
      icon: cog

      name: date_from
      type: date_picker
      caption: Start date
      name: date_to
      type: date_picker
      caption: End date


Since our data entry form is not related to collection model we define dc_memory as table option. Our report form will have two data entry fields. Fields date_from and date_to.

Form is automatically resized when it is displayed. Height is sufficient for normal data entry. But when date_picker field is opened it is drawn over end of form. Therefor we fix form height to 120px. 

Run report action will create ajax call to ReportsController.notes_report action. Report will create and save report file to file system and will instruct browser to download file and present it to user. 


Report file can be found in application/reports_controller.rb file. Lets expose only code specific to DRG CMS. Rest of the code can be found in DRG examples gem.


class ReportsController < DcApplicationController

def notes_report
  date_from = DrgcmsFormFields::DatePicker.get_data( params, 'date_from' ).beginning_of_day
  date_to   = DrgcmsFormFields::DatePicker.get_data( params, 'date_to' ).end_of_day
#data processing code 

  tmp = 'report.xls'         
  book.write Rails.root.join('public',tmp)

  render json: { :window_report => "/#{tmp}" }


DrgcmsFormFields::DatePicker.get_data( params, 'date_from' ) will return value of date_from field as DateTime object. If it would be plain text field its value could be accessed as params[:record][:date_from].


Other important part is also the end of report. Report will be saved to 'public/report.xls' file. Return result will be rendered as json ajax response. Return will contain directive :window_report with value of file name to be loaded. As a result report file will be downloaded in a new window.


Last update: 22.09.2021