Form options

Form section defines editing fields and actions used for data edit. Form options can be divided into three groups.

- general form options, define common options for creating form dialog

- actions, define actions that can be performed on document when editing

- form fields, form tabs with fields which define data entry fields


title: optional

  field: field_name
  new: Title for new document
  edit: Title for edit document

Default form dialog title consists of operation (Edit, New), collection name (translated) and document ID (think copy+paste). When editing, the dialog title may also include value of field, which best describes the value of the document. This is the usual name or description field.



    field: subject

result title => Edit : Page : Plugins page : 52a393d6835d1b00c5000026 # where Plugins page is the value of subject field.


Additional new and edit options can be used, when you want to use your own text for dialog title.


height: optional


Height of form dialog in pixels. By default, the form dialog is resized to the size of the currently selected tab. If you want to manually set form height, it may be set by height parameter. Behavior of height was improved, and this option might be obsolete.


actions: required


Actions are required because at least one action (back) must be defined on every edit form. There are 5 predefined standard actions which can be defined as actions: standard. These actions are:

- back (Go back, discard entered changes)

- save (Save changes and resume editing)

- save&back (Save changes and go back to index)

- new (New action). Start editing new empty document. Changes to current document are not detected, so user must first choose save action, otherwise changes to current document will be lost.

- enable, disable (This action only appears when a document has active field defined. It is used to toggle the value of active field)


In addition to standard action, there are other actions that might be performed before the document is saved and or after the document is saved. These methods must be defined in drgcms_controls in addition or instead of standard dc_before_save or dc_after_save callbacks. 


type: submit


Will create an action which acts like standard save action, except that some additional parameters may be set which affect standard program execution. Example:

    type: standard

      type: submit
      caption: Approve
      icon: thumbs-o-up
      title: Save and approve document
        after-save: approve


In the above example, document will be submitted to standard cms_edit controller action and will call DrgcmsControls::MyModel approve method after document is successfully saved. Be aware that in this case, standard dc_after_save action will not be executed. You can also use before-save to perform operations before the document is saved.

This is the way to call additional actions which are defined in the DrgcmsControls file. Standard Rails way would be to create another controller action and add route to routes.


type: ajax


This will be AJAX (asynchronous  background call) type action. Call options are the same as options in other actions. In the example below, simple form is used to trigger PDF document creation. Action will call MyReports::report_no_1 method, pass start_date and end_date as parameters and wait for AJAX call to return. The AJAX return will commonly trigger open PDF document command.


table: dc_dummy
title: Enter starting and ending date for report
      type: ajax
      method: post
      controller: my_reports
      action: report_no_1
      caption: Run report
      icon: cog

      name: start_date
      type: date_picker
      caption: Start date
      name: end_date
      type: date_picker
      caption: End date


type: script


JavaScript will be executed when action is selected. In the example below is form embedded into iframe. When Back action is selected, the parent window is reloaded.


The same functionality can also be achieved when submitting data by defining params:after-save option. This can be shown on the second (type: submit) code example.


      type: script
      caption: Back
      js: parent.location.href=parent.location.href
      type: submit
      caption: Save and update
        after-save: return_to parent.reload



fields: required or tabs: required


Fields on a data entry form are usually arranged continuously from top to bottom. Alternatively, they can be grouped on tabs. Tabs are horizontally arranged on the top of the form. When the user clicks on tab, data entry fields which are defined under tab are displayed and can be edited. Fields on a previously displayed tab are hidden to the user.


Below is an example of form with fields option:

    field: caption
  actions: standard

      name: caption
      type: text_field
        size: 30
      name: picture
      type: file_select
        size: 50


This simple form has two data entry fields. First field (caption) is type of text_field with size of 30. The second field name is picture and is type of file_select. And its size is 50. A list of field types supported by DRG CMS is described in the next chapter. The list includes all basic data entry field types (text_field, text_area, check_box, select ...) as well as some specific data entry types (html_field, multitext_autocomplete, date_picker, ...).  If needed, you may extend data entry field types with your own data entry types.


Let's use the form above and add the body field. But we want body field on its own tab. All we need is to rename "fields" option to "tabs", insert tab names under next level and shift data entry fields for one level.
    field: caption
  actions: standard

        columns: 2
        name: caption
        type: text_field
        size: 30
        name: date
        type: date_field

        name: picture
        type: file_select
        size: 50
        colspan: 2
        name: body
        type: html_field
        options: "height: 420, toolbar: 'basic', allowedContent: false" 


Our resulting form will have 2 tabs. 1tab and 2tab. Numbers are here to ensure that tabs will be displayed in wanted order. First tab will have entry fields displayed in two columns per row. Tab captions can also be localized. All you need is define translations for tab names in localization files.


        1tab: Common
        2tab: Content

Now that we have seen how data entry fields are defined, let's see the type of data entry fields that are available in DRG CMS. 

Last update: 26.01.2022