Notes model

We started with design and menu. Let us now introduce to document model which will be used for saving data. 


class Note
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps

field   :title,       type: String
field   :body,        type: String
field   :time_begin,  type: DateTime
field   :duration,    type: Integer
field   :search,      type: String

field   :user_id,     type: BSON::ObjectId

index   user_id: 1

validates :title,      presence: true
validates :time_begin, presence: true
validates :duration,   presence: true

before_save :fill_search_field

# Before save remove all html tags from body field and save data into search field.
def fill_search_field
  text = ActionView::Base.full_sanitizer.sanitize(self.body, :tags=>[]).to_s
',' ')
  text.gsub!('>',' ')
  text.gsub!('<',' ')
  text.squish! = UnicodeUtils.downcase(self.title + text)


Note model has title and body field. It can be used just for saving notes but can also be used to track work so it has time_begin and duration fields. It also has user_id field so we know who owns the document. There is search field which holds title and body striped of all html tags and will be used for full text searching. fill_search_field method will take care of filling search field.


Before we create DRG form it is good practice to define field labels and help text for editing fields on form. Ruby on Rails already provides mechanism for setting form fields labels. It is called i18n or localization. Localized field labels can be provided in yaml formatted files located in config/locales directory. Lets name our localization file models_en.yml.


        tabletitle: Notes
        choices4_duration: "10 min:10,15 min:15,20 min:20,30 min:30,45 min:45,1 hour:60,1 hour 30 min:90,2 hours:120,2 hours 30 min:150,3 hours:180,4 hours:240,5 hours:300,6 hours:360,7 hours:420,8 hours:480"

        title: Title
        body: Description     
        time_start: Start time
        duration: Duration
        search: Search 
        user_id: Created by

        title: Short title
        body: Description of event or note      
        time_start: Time or date when note is created or event started
        duration: Duration of event
        search: Data used for searching data 
        user_id: This note was created by


First part uses default Rails translation keywords.

en: helpers: label: model_name: fields:


Second part is for displaying help text when user moves cursor over label of input field.

en: helpers: help: model_name: fields:


All we need now is to provide DRG CMS data entry form. We will do this in next chapter.


Last update: 26.01.2022